About The Order supports its original mission of tolerance by being one of the most inclusive Orders in the world. The Order has admitted ladies for more than 200 years and is open to all faiths. In addition to religious tolerance, whereby members of any faith can be admitted as a member of the Order, it has extended that mission of tolerance to a broader socially progressive mandate and welcomes individuals regardless of faith, gender, race, nationality, class or sexual orientation. It stands resolutely opposed to sectarian violence and religious extremism in any form. Applying There are several important things to keep in mind when considering apply for membership in The Order of Saint Joachim. First, almost half of the inquiries and applications we receive are rejected for a variety of reasons. The Order has a vetting process that includes an inquiry into the prospective member's background. Anything that would bring the honor and integrity of the Order in question results in disqualification. Similarly, fake titles, honors, degrees also result in disqualification. Applicants who do not exhibit sufficient charitable work or achievement will likely not be accepted. The Order's core values are tolerance, compassion and religious ecumenicalism. It has a long history of being a socially progressive order, and prospective members should openly share those values. If an application for membership is declined, the Order has a policy of not indicating its reasons. Individuals wishing to become members of The Order may Petition to join. Such Petitions require the sponsorship of a current member of The Order. Prospective members who do not have a sponsor are encouraged to contact us with a preliminary inquiry. A member of our Leadership will be in touch with you after your inquiry is received. If advanced, then a completed Petition will be requested accompanied by a resume with particulars of public or charitable service. The Order has a policy of not providing reasons or discussing particulars of any Petition that is declined. Once a petition has been accepted, new members will be asked to forward to the Commandery a passage fee of £100 and first year's oblations of £50. Upon acceptance of the Petition and payment of the fee and oblation, the member is admitted to The Order and entitled to wear the miniature insignia of the Order as a Knight/Dame Expectant.
A Knight/Dame Expectant of the Order may apply for consideration for promotion to the next rank, which carries with it by virtue of the Grand Master's authority under The Order's Charter the honorific title of a Knight/Dame of The Order, with the entitlement to use the prefix Chevalier and suffix KJ/DJ. Further promotion within The Order (i.e. Knight Commander or Knight Grand Commander) is at the discretion of the Grand Master or Grand Chancellor, as a recognition by The Order for charitable deeds, service to The Order and other special consideration. Such advancements happen infrequently. Unlike some other orders, The Order of Saint Joachim does not have a large and elaborate hierarchy of ranks. There are only four ranks from Expectant through to Knight Grand Commander, and most members will spend their entire lives in the Order as a Knight or Dame.